Persons who conduct their own master's/doctoral degree project
Over the master and doctoral course, you have to develop knowledge and skills that equip you to undertake independent research at the front of your field. This course provides you how to develop your research skills practically. Hence, the lecture is composed of general talks on scientific skills and your tailored case study which is based on your own MD or PhD research project. The scope of the lecture covers not only deepening your research study but also consider how to develop the research project into practical applications, such as product or service, and even start-up. The lecture obviously demands you homework for digging your own research project deeply.
This lecutre gives you the survey of your field from the social and wide scientific points of view, the methodology of your study, and the way to find out the logical approach in your subject. Furthermore, the lecutre provides how to develop your research into business development on the relation with intellectual property rights and entrepreneurship.
授業形態 (項目)
■ 講義・演習 □ 実験 □ グループワーク・ペアワーク □ 学内外実習 ■ プレゼンテーション ■ ディスカッション ■ PBL/TBL
授業形態 (内容)
Slides and discussion ■ Lecture ■ Presentation ■ DIscussion ■ PBL/TBL
Slides for lectures downloaded from Moodle
This lecutre gives you the survey of your field from the social and wide scientific points of view, the methodology of your study, and the way to find out the logical approach in your subject. Furthermore, the lecutre provides how to develop your research into business development on the relation with intellectual property rights and entrepreneurship.
Over the master and doctoral courses, you have to develop knowledge and skills that equip you to undertake independent research at the front of your field. This course provides you how to develop your research skills practically. Therefore, the lecture is composed of general talks on scientific skills for a research project and your tailored case study which is based on your own MD or PhD research project. The scope of this lecture covers not only deepening into your research study, but also considering how to develop the research project into practical applications, such as a product or service, and even building up a start-up. The lecture obviously demands you homework for digging your own research project deeply.
L1: Introduction to this course L2: Understanding of a research subject and how to develop its methodology L3: How to solve a research subject L4: Science of a research project L5: Case study of a research project L6: R&D processes from curiosity to business development L7: Career development L8: Presentations and wrap-up
Research management, Research methodology, Innovation, Intellectual property right, Carrier development, Entrepreneurship
Lecture notes can be provided as PDF files.
Lecture notes can be provided as PDF files.
References will be presented in each lecture.
Discussion & Report (homework): 60%, Final presentation: 40%
2024/09/30 13:36