Guidance Marketing Basics
Guidance 【Lecture】Team Building 【Lecture】Marketing Basics 4Ps of Marketing 【Lecture】STP Analysis The world of MarkStrat
Read through "MarkStrat Participant Handbook" Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
R&D in Existing Market, what are P/L and B/S?
Review Round1 Develop the Strategy Round1 Execute Round1 Reflection 【Lecture】Profit and loss statement(P/L) 【Lecture】Balance Sheet(B/S) and debt 【Lecture】R&D for existing markets Round2 Develop the Strategy Round2 Execute Round2 Reflection
Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
Product launching in existing market and R&D for new market
Review 【Lecture】Brand Portfolio Strategy 1 (Product launching) 【Lecture】R&D for new market Round3 Develop the Strategy Round3 Execute Round3 Reflection
Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
Review of product portfolio, Product launch in new market and brand withdrawal
Review 【Lecture】 Brand Portfolio Strategy 2 (PPM Analysis) Round4 Execute Round4 Reflection
Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
Input the strategy for round 5
Marketing Strategy Review
Review Round5 Execute Round5 Reflection 【Lecture】Review of Marketing Strategies① Groupwork1 Discuss the Strategy Round 6 and 7 Groupwork2 Competitors Interview Round6 Develop the Strategy Round6 Execute Round6 Reflection
Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
Input the strategy for round 7
Selection and Concentration
Review Round7 Execute Round7 Reflection 【Lecture】Review of Marketing Strategies② Groupwork1 SWOT Analysis Groupwork2 Discuss the Strategy Round 8 to 10 Round8 Develop the Strategy Round8 Execute Round8 Reflection
Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
Input the strategy for round 9
Comprehensive decision making
Review Round9 Execution Round9 Reflection Group Work1:What to Do in the Final Round? Round10 Decision Making Round10 Execution Round10 Reflection Group Work2:Final Presentation Preparation
Reflection Sheets(Team & Individual)
Prepare for the final presentation
Final Presentation
Final presentation
Reflection Sheets(Individual only)