Coastal Disaster
This lecture explains the outline of coastal disasters, especially tsunami and storm surge. Students will learn the causes of these disasters, damages and countermeasures.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
History of Flood Control Policy in Japan
We study on the historical change of river management policy in Japan. Especially, recently Japanese government changed the policy considering climate change effects.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Global warming and heavy rainfall mechanism
This lecture explains future global warming and its influences shown by 6th IPCC report. The global warming enhances heavy rainfall activities with an increase in temperature and water vapor. Therefore, this lecture also explains disastrous heavy rainfall mechanism accompanying Senjo-kousuitai (linear heavy rainfall band) .
Submit report related to heavy rainfall or global warming.
Countermeasures against earthquake disaster
In this lecture, we will learn basic knowledge about earthquakes, followed by the vibration phenomena of structures. Based on this knowledge, we will learn about seismic isolation and vibration control methods as countermeasures against seismic motion.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Liquefaction and countermeasures
The main contents of this lecture are an Introduction, Liquefaction phenomenon and example of damage, Liquefaction mechanism, Geotechnical characterization, Prediction of liquefaction and Liquefaction countermeasure.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the liquefaction contermesure technology.
Soft Ground Engineering
In this lecture, it will be clarified what soft ground is and explained the importance of soft ground countermeasure methods by introducing road construction projects in soft ground areas in Japan. Soft ground countermeasures in the event of external forces such as earthquakes will also be explained.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Ground improvement for geodisaster prevention
In this lecture various ground improvement technologies towards geodisaster (earthquake and rainfall induced landslides, liquefaction and tsunami, etc) prevention will be explained. Case studies in the context of Japan and abroad will also be introduced.
Submission of report on the assigned topic.
Numerical simulation for damege level predictions of natural disasters
Damage level prediction of natural disasters is strongly required for more reliable hazard map. In this lecture, students will learn recent developments in numerical simulation of natural disasters.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Disaster prevention system for municipalities
This lecture will explain what kind of disaster prevention systems municipalities need in order to minimize human suffering from disasters that have been occurring frequently in recent years. The design concept and actual disaster prevention systems developed will also be introduced.
Nothing in particular
Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Problems
This lecture overviews various examples of subsurface imaging and monitoring based on geophysical techniques for engineering and environmental problems such as landslide, liquefaction, and earthquke ground motions.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Active Volcanoes: Eruption and Volcanic Hazard
In this lecture, we review distrbution of active volcanoes, generation of magmas, type of volcanic eruption. Then, some recent studies by our colleagues on volcanic hazard mitigation will be reviewed.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Deformation process of rocks
In this lecture, we review how we can understand rock deformation and usefulness of modelling techniques. We then see what we can learn from modelling results.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Mine rehabilitation
In this lecture, we review mine rehabilitation before mine development and after mine closure for protection of environmental disasters.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Open cut and underground mining
In this lecture, we review appropriate design of open cut and underground mine.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.
Improvement of workplace environment in underground mines
In this lecture, the basic knowledge and engineering for occupational health, safety and environment (HSE), that are required for operations on resource development and production, are provided for engineers engaged in various safety management.
Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects.