

科目名称 Practical Environmental System Engineering 
Practical Environmental System Engineering 


更新日付 2023/10/03 13:35
学部カテゴリ 工学府 
開講年度 2023 
An integrated course in which faculty members of participating departments of the Center for Environmental Engineering Education and Research attached to the Graduate School of Engineering give a series of lectures from the viewpoints of their respective fields of expertise on the common theme of global environmental issues.

(金曜日10時30分~:日帰りtripの週は時間が異なる(Fridays from 10:30 a.m.: hours vary during the week of the day trip) 


The aim of “Practical Environmental Systems Engineering” is to provide a series of lectures by the professors who belong to the “Center for Research and Education of Environmental Technology” from the points of their respective engineering research field on the issues on earth environments, combined with field trips to learn on site the actual good practice which solved the environmental problems. 
waste management related laws, municipal waste treatment, industrial waste treatment, various recycling laws, GIS, Geograhic Information, Environmenal Engineering, Water assessment, Contamination,Biomining, Ore deposits, Mineralization, Hydrothermal systems, Volcanism, Plate subduction, Island arc, Gold deposits, Epithermal, New functional materials and technologies, Synchrotron Light Research Center Alteration, Fluid, Boiling, Sewage treatment plant, solid waste incineration plant, landfill site in Fukuoka city, Explorationbiohydrometallurgy, bioleaching, biooxidation, mineral processing, microorganism, Mineral processing, Hydrometallurgy 
学位プログラムの学修目標 授業科目の到達目標(評価の観点)




授業計画 授業計画は予定であり、学びの進捗に合わせて変更することがあります。
授業のテーマ 授業の内容(90分授業=2時間) 事前/事後学修の内容
1 Legislation and Policies for a Solid Waste Management and Material Cycles  In this lecture, we will explain the changes in waste management and resource circulation legislation and policies in Japan, considering the economic growth and technological advancements that have occurred from the 1950s to the latest developments in recent years.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
2  Urban Metabolism: Sewage Treatment and Solid Waste Management in Japan  In this bus tour, participants will be introduced to a sewage treatment plant, a solid waste incineration plant, and a landfill site in Fukuoka City, where they will learn about the implementation of state-of-the-art technical systems for sewage and solid waste management.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
3 Nuclear energy in Japan  Current status of nuclear energy and policy in Japan is introduced. Environmental and security aspects of nuclear energy are also presented.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
4 Genkai Energy Park of Kyushu Electric Power Company  In this trip to Genkai Energy Park of Kyushu Electric Power Company, we examine and understand the current status of nuclear energy and policy in Japan, environmental and security aspects of nuclear energy which were explained in the lecture on October 20.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
5 Tour to Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center in Tosu City  In this trip to Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center in Tosu City, we examine and understand the research on new functional materials and technologies for solving environmental problems.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
6 Two topics in applied physics.  First Part (Okabe): In the class, students will learn about the principles of atomic-resolution microscopes and their differences from other microscopes.
Second Part (Hidaka): Thermal convection, which plays an important role in the Earth's environment, is demonstrated. Thermal convection is also important as a typical example of spontaneous formation of macroscopic ordered structures (self-organization). Their characteristics are learned through observation of actual thermal convection. 
First Part (Okabe): Students are required to take a brief quiz in or after the class.
Second Part (Hidaka): After the class investigate the report assignment given in the class. 
7 Hydrothermal systems and gold mineralization  In this lecture, we review geological process and environment where gold deposits are formed, with special emphasis on those formed in shallow hydrothermal systems (epithermal systems) associated with volcanic activity in plate subduction zones (volcanic arc)  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
8 One day field trip to Taio underground gold mine   In this trip, we examine and understand the geological process and environment where gold deposits are formed, with special emphasis on those formed in shallow hydrothermal systems (epithermal systems) associated with volcanic activity in plate subduction zones (volcanic arc), which were explained the class on November 24.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
9 Mineral processing and hydrometallurgy  In this lecture, we review mineral processing and hydrometallurgy  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
10 Minerals resources processing  In this lecture, we review various resource processing, Australia and Chile resource situation  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
11 Biomining  This lecture will cover the basics of biohydrometallurgy, the microbiologically-induced hydrometallurgy used primarily to recover valuable metals from refractory ores and concentrates. It is typically used when conventional mining technologies are too expensive or ineffective.  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
12 Geographic Information System (GIS)  This lecture is to master about the operation method the GIS software (ArcGIS) and to introduce the application of GIS for the environmental problems. The contents of this lecture include introduction of the basic concept of GIS. Some specific GIS applications in civil engineering, mining engineering, and environmental engineering are also introduced.  None 
13  Geographic Information System (GIS)  This lecture is to master about the operation method the GIS software (ArcGIS) and to introduce the application of GIS for the environmental problems. The contents of this lecture include introduction of the basic concept of GIS. Some specific GIS applications in civil engineering, mining engineering, and environmental engineering are also introduced.  None 
14 Environmental geochemistry  This lecture will cover the basics of environmental geochemistry, with special emphases on geothermal water, water assessment, contamination  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 
15 One day field trip to Itoshima Peninsula coastal zone   In this trip, we examine and understand the ecological systems in the coastal zone of Itoshima Peninsula  Review the contents of class, and submission of report on the assignment subjects. 



<相談窓口> キャンパスライフ・健康支援センター インクルージョン支援推進室(伊都地区センター1号館1階)
(電話:092-802-5859 E-mail:inclusion@chc.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
修学上の合理的配慮の流れに関する部局HP https://www.eng.kyushu-u.ac.jp/studentsupport.html#support-with-disabilities 

