
講義科目名 宇宙プラズマ物理学 
Computer simulation of space plasma 
授業科目区分 専攻授業科目又は関連授業科目(major courses or related courses) 
開講年度 2017 
開講学期 前期 
曜日時限 前期 金曜日 4時限
必修選択 学府要項を確認のこと。(refer to the Guidelines for IGSES) 

羽田 亨

松清 修一

開講学部・学府 総合理工学府 
対象学部等 総合理工学府(IGSES) 
対象学年 修士課程(Master’s Program) 
開講地区 筑紫地区

特になし。2週目以降は matlab が走るPCを持参すること。

No prerequisite required. After the second week, students are required to bring their own laptops that can run MATLAB (any version) so that they can participate in the exercise part of the class. 
テスト粒子モデル、流体モデル、粒子モデルなどにより、宇宙プラズマの振舞を計算機シミュレーションにより解く方法を修得する。講義は、基本的概念とアルゴリズムの説明および matlab を用いた演習により行う。電磁場中での荷電粒子の運動、プラズマの流体運動、プラズマ中の波動伝播などをあつかう予定である。 
This course introduces fundamental ideas on how complex behaviors of space plasma can be numerically simulated using some representative computer simulation models. Each class consists of an explanation of basic concepts and a follow-up session using matlab. Simulation models to be covered are, the test particle model, the fluid model, and the PIC (particle-in-cell) model. 
宇宙プラズマをモデル化する計算機シミュレーションの概念と技法を修得し、matlab プログラミングにより具体的な課題を解決できるようになる。

Two main objectives of this course are to understand basic concepts of various space plasma simulation models and to develop a comfort level applying the numerical techniques to actual problems via matlab programming. 
宇宙プラズマをモデル化する計算機シミュレーションの概念と技法を修得し、matlab プログラミングにより具体的な課題を解決できるようになる。

Two main objectives of this course are to understand basic concepts of various space plasma simulation models and to develop a comfort level applying the numerical techniques to actual problems via matlab programming. 
1. はじめに(宇宙環境、プラズマとは、matlab)
2. 常微分方程式:電磁場中の荷電粒子運動
3. 偏微分方程式:流体運動
4. 粒子モデルの考え方とコーディング
5. 最終課題

1. Introduction (space environment, basic plasma properties, matlab)
2. ODE: motion of charged particles in the EM field
3. PDE: fluid equations
4. PIC: build your own particle-in-cell code!
5. Individual research 
space plasma, computer simulation, matlab 
第1回目はイントロダクション、2回目以降は前半にプラズマシミュレーションに関する講義、後半にそれをもとにした matlab プログラミング演習を行う。

While the first class will be an orientation and an introduction (space plasma environment, basic properties of plasma, matlab outlook), all the subsequent classes will consist of two parts: the first half being a normal lecture-type session where fundamental concepts of various simulation models will be explained, while in the second half students are supposed to build their own matlab code to run and check the simulation model just learned in the first session. 

There are no textbooks for this course.
Instead, handouts will be distributed at every class. 
A good introduction for the PIC simulation (and much more) is:
C. K. Birdsall and A. B. Langdon, Plasma physics via computer simulation, CRC Press, 2004.
Additional resources may be provided as necessity arises. 
学習相談は、講義の後、またはメールにて(hada@esst, matsukiy@esst).

After the class or by appointment (email. hada@esst, matsukiy@esst). 

Attendance + exercise (50%), report on the final project (50%).
Since the students' participation is essential to this course, no credits will be granted if the attendance rate is low (<70%). 

- In the first week we will decide on the language to be used in the class (either Japanese of English). Slides and handouts will be in English.

- Matlab student version is not too expensive (about 5,000yen). If you don't have it but are serious about being enrolled in this class, my recommendation is just to go ahead and buy it rather than trying to make one of those free clones do the job. These freewares are okay, but there are just so many (although minor) differences between the original and the clones at every aspect, and this will certainly make you frustrated when everybody else in the class is using the genuine version. (btw, I am not getting paid by mathworks) 
更新日付 2017-04-03 10:30:14.215